Profile PictureElisa Pasquali

Elisa has over 25 years of experience working in the high tech industry in various positions ranging from Software Engineer/developer through Project Manager, Technical Lead, and startup Founder/CEO. She has a methodical approach to the product development process and has developed, formalized, and implemented the engineering teams' product development procedures from scratch many times. Such procedures include : --Requirements gathering, --Product discovery, --Roadmap planning, --Cost estimates, --Staffing plans, --Backlog grooming, and she has delved down into the practical details of software development environment setup, including: --Writing coding standards, --Setting up the branching, code review, and merging policies, --Setting up test-driven-development and continuous integration/continuous deployment procedures, and --Incentivizing team members by providing a fun, efficient environment to work in where every developer is encouraged to learn something new.